Monday, November 23, 2009

Mission Statement

This blog is focused on issues of science, statistics, and their intersection with the creation of public policy.

I'm an apolitical conservative. I care about the facts, not the sound bites, or who gets political advantage from something. I care that if science is being used to inform public policy, that that science be transparent, open, and the data sets and means of analysis are available to all.

Let the data speak for itself. If your knowledge of climate change boils down to talking points from one side or the other of the political spectrum, please read on and ask questions.

I have a handful of people who can do deeper analysis than I can, I hope to lure a few of them in here. When I make mistakes (and I will), I expect people to tell me what they are, where the method I misfollowed was, and help me understand better what's going on.

I'm here to explore the science, not become yet another political blog.


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! I'll do my best to prod you back in the right direction should you stray off the statistical tracks. :-)

  2. I'm here to explore the science, not become yet another political blog.

    Good. Exploring the science is what we need. Politics, on both sides of the spectrum, we have in excess.

    Good luck.
